Include 2022: Conference Presentations and Proceedings
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We invite abstract submissions for academic papers and posters to our Include 2022: Unheard Voices global conference.

Invitation to submit abstracts
We invite abstract submissions for academic papers and posters to our Include 2022: Unheard Voices global conference.
Submitting an abstract
Everyone wishing to present their work to the conference must submit an abstract describing the proposed work. Abstracts must be:
- No longer than 300 words
- Anonymised for peer-review, i.e., please edit out author names, institutional affiliations, project partner names and any other descriptors that may make you identifiable as the author(s) of the publication
- Of high academic standard, both in terms of scholarly quality and use of English language.
Submission types
- Academic papers
- Posters
Academic research papers
Papers should address one of the Submission Tracks and should be of high scholarly quality with correct use of English language. We welcome a wide range of research submissions, including critical literature reviews and empirical, theoretical or conceptual papers. In all cases concepts and underlying principles should be defined, with relevant background information that will aid the understanding of other researchers and readers. If data is presented from primary research, e.g., patient interview data, ethical clearance and considerations should be clearly presented.
The work should not have been published elsewhere and should not be intended to be published elsewhere once accepted for inclusion to the conference. Full paper submissions should be between 2,500 and 3,000 words maximum, excluding the abstract and references.
All papers will be double-blind peer-reviewed.
We invite poster submissions of design projects and research that are currently underway or recently completed. In the first instance you must submit an abstract of not more than 300 words describing the poster relating to one of the submission tracks.
If your abstract is selected you will be sent a template and further guidance on how to produce your poster. Presentation of the poster at conference will also include a 3-minute video recording which will be hosted within a dedicated space on the conference platform. Posters will be displayed for the duration of the conference and there will be an allocated slot for contributors to present their posters virtually, so that conference participants have an opportunity to discuss the project with you. Participants will vote for the best poster and a prize will be given for the poster receiving the highest number of votes.
Multiple submissions
You are allowed to submit more than one contribution, however we remind you that authors are expected to present their submissions online and participate in a Q&A discussion at the end of the track session. We therefore encourage you to limit the number of submissions, to avoid a clash in presentation times between concurrent sessions.
Peer review process
Each abstract will be assessed by the Include 2022 peer-review committee. If successful, you will be invited to submit a paper/poster accordingly.
- The committee will meet to review and discuss all abstracts received. Authors will receive notification of the decision thereafter.
- Authors whose abstract has been accepted for publication will receive further guidance regarding full submission.
- For authors who are not fully proficient in English, we request that you have your work proof-read prior to submission by a native / fluent English speaker, or use an English language editing service.
- If an accepted submission is made by multiple authors, at least one author must register for and attend the conference in order for the submission to be included.
- A maximum of two papers are accepted for publication and presentation by the same author under a single registration fee.
All papers will be double-blind peer-reviewed. Authors should not be identified in the body of the paper or extended summary. Authors should be referred to in the text or notes in the third person only. Submission without anonymising your contribution and affiliation is subject to rejection.
Submission tracks
We recommend that you first read the Calls for Academic Research papers and Posters before you select one or more Submission Track(s) for your work. The six submission tracks are:
- Track 1: Age and diversity
(accessibility, designing across the life stages, neurodiversity, hidden disabilities, design for independent living) - Track 2: Health and wellbeing
(pandemic response, humanising healthcare, future of healthcare, community and public health, mental health and wellbeing) - Track 3: Design for social impact
(design for policy, Community design, sustainability, sanitation, global innovation) - Track 4: Design value and business impact
(inclusive innovation, design management, design value and impact, design for organisational transformation, knowledge transfer, design leadership, future of work) - Track 5: Inclusive design applications
(technology, architecture and built environment, fashion, product design, service design, mobility, banking, etc.) - Track 6: Inclusive design: theory and practice
(design thinking, systems design, theoretical frameworks, design futures, design education, etc.)
Key Dates
- 11 May 2022 (midnight BST)
Deadline for abstract submission for paper / poster presentation (300 words). Due to a technical glitch we have extended the deadline to Wednesday, 11 May. - 20 May 2022
Notification of accepted abstracts - 30 June 2022
Submission of full paper / poster - 18 July 2022
Notification of full paper / poster acceptance and corrections - 31 July 2022
Final submission of camera ready copy of the paper / poster - 31 August 2022
Poster submission to the conference portal - 22 & 23 September 2022