Key details
- External (UK)
Beaconsfield Gallery, 22 Newport St, London SE11 6AY
- Free
Who could attend
- Everyone
- Exhibition
An exhibition, event and publication series created by PhD students from the School of Arts & Humanities.
Private View: 6–9pm, Wednesday 21 June
More information at the Beaconsfield Gallery's website.
Earthwise, our curatorial concept-word, invites a place of meetings and relations, without a final meaning, limit or system – we are interested in the and and not the therefore... This focus is driven by the gathering forces of ecological, social and psychological crises that pose an inescapable reality for artists today. The term ‘Earthwise’ is inspired by Donna Haraway and her incitement to ‘earthwide’ situated and relational forms of knowledge. We have mutated the word in order to orient away from the vertical towards the horizontal, away from the separated stance of the eye/mind towards the uncertain discoveries of planetary processes and
corporeal practices.
Earthwise implies...
A reorientation from the human
Listening not imposing
Questioning vertical hierarchies
Working with technology not under it
Situatedness and solidarity networks
Owing not owning
Creating commons
Intergenerational thinking
“Other planes of there”
The publications and exhibition have been composed through the interactions of five PhD seminar groups (Curatorial Thinking, Material Engagements, Entanglement, Planet, Out in the OPEN) in the School of Arts and Humanities. In the spirit of Earthwise, the publication and exhibition have been generated through processes of exchange, action, making, discussing, studying, and responding, to produce creative work that is enactive and environmentally sensitive.
Through this work we have raised questions about the connections between aesthetic practices and climate breakdown. More specifically what role the arts, expression and the imagination may play in becoming sensitive to and even finding routes out of catastrophe.
We are interested in the necessity of confronting the darkness of our times, while holding onto the hopeful forces that affirm and renew creativity and therefore life.
Earthwise performance/readings/interventions schedule
The private view will feature a welcome launch and several performances, interventions and readings. Some of these will be durational and take place throughout the evening, some will occur at specific times, and some will take place as impromptu acts at unspecified times allowing for a fluid and organic flow of artistic expression throughout the event.
Performance Schedule for Wednesday 21 June Preview
Sohaila Baluch – Sprigged: A Million Little Cuts
A performance will unfold throughout the gallery space and span the duration of the show. The artist will migrate through the different spaces at Beaconsfield, upstairs, downstairs, inside, and outside, inhabiting different locations during each sitting to sprig muslin with garden twist ties (see here for daily performance times).
Varvara Keidan Shavrova – Dare Mighty Things, once more…
Wednesday 21 June PV 6.35–6.45pm
Josephine Berry and Catherine Ferguson
Earthwise Exhibition and Publication Launch and welcome
Wednesday 21 June PV 7–7.30pm
David Johnson – Crip Space
Wednesday 21 June, 7.35–7.45pm
Molly Grad – Yellow
Performative reading
Wednesday 21 June, 7.50–7.55pm
Chang Gao – Erotic Poetics
Performative reading
Wednesday 21 June, 8–8.10pm
Orla Fahey – RIGHTS
Wednesday 21 June, from 6–9pm the artist will be walking through the gallery space with a placard throughout the evening
MaryLynne Wyre – Recto Verso
Wednesday 21 June, impromptu act
Wednesday 21 June, impromptu
Sohaila Baluch – Sprigged: A Million Little Cuts
The performance will take place at the following times:
Wednesday 21 June, 6–7pm (private view)
Thursday 22 June to Saturday 24 June, 1–4pm daily
Friday 30 June and Saturday 1 July. 1–4pm daily