Key details
- 10am – 6pm
- External (UK)
Copeland Gallery, Unit 9, Copeland Park, 133 Copeland Rd, Peckham, London SE15 3SN
- Free
Who could attend
- Everyone
- Exhibition
Join us as we celebrate the work of the RCA’s research students in our Research Biennale 2023.
Private View: 6–9.30pm, Thursday 22 June
Opening Times: 10am–6pm, Thursday 22 to Saturday 24 June
Made up of panel discussions, workshops, presentations, performances, an exhibition and an online platform, the Biennale offers a chance for staff, students, RCA partners and guests to engage with the work of MPhil and PhD students from across the College.
As its name suggests, the Biennale is something we stage approximately every two years. The experience of planning, delivering and participating in the Biennale offers our research students the opportunity not only to showcase their work, but also to gain experience of working together to achieve a remarkable set of research activities.
Doctoral students at the RCA join us to work with our research-active staff across our Schools and Research Centres, on topics ranging from the history of design to robotics, and from painting to smart textiles, and their work can take the form of a written thesis or practice-based research, or a combination of the two. They work with partners in the creative and cultural sectors as well as in healthcare, the automotive industry, technology companies and many other sectors, and some are lucky enough to be funded by UKRI studentships and industry sponsorship. Our doctoral students participate in a wide range of research development and training opportunities and events, including attending our College-wide Doctoral Training Programme through an intensive week at the start of each term.
We are delighted to be able to support our research students to share their work with you. Please join us at the Copeland Gallery in Peckham from 22 to 24 June, and online at our RCA Digital Platform.
Dr Emma Wakelin
Director of Research & Innovation
Royal College of Art
Private View: 6–9.30pm, Thursday 22 June
Closing event: 6–9pm, Saturday 24 June
Event Programme*
Thursday 22 June, Private View Performances
Hannah Clarkson
- no better, no worse – no change – no pain –
Durational performance. The artist will be interacting with the work in situ at different intervals during the evening.
Taking place in The Larder.
Sohaila Baluch
Orientalism’s Lasting Legacy – On Being a British South Asian Woman. Performative reading, linked to the work on show. Taking place in Chalk Room.
Charlie Lee-Potter
Running Away with Herselves
Performative work
Ahaad Alamoudi
In the Bye Bye
Roshana Rubin Mayhew
Feeling the Blues: Movement Two
Performance, with live sound mixing by Lyndon Lewis
Saturday 24 June, Workshops/ Presentations and Panels
Chiara Tommencioni Pisapia + Bethan Highley, PhD Candidate, Centre for Novel Agricultural Products, Department of Biology, University of York. Presentation with Q&A on 'Design, Biology and Clothes Moths: Mapping a novel ecosystem for wool recycling'.
Book here
Chiara Tommencioni Pisapia co-facilitated by Bethan Highley. A workshop to populate a novel ecosystem mapping for biobased recycling of wool. The map entails ecological, technical and disciplinary consideration alongside attention to stakeholders and processes involved.
Book here
Sofie Layton. Performative lecture, Blue Printed Bodies.
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Elizabeth Folashade Olukoya. Workshop, Humanising the materiality of papier-mâché.
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Carmen Hannibal. Panel Discussion, Ethical and Moral Considerations in the Selection of Research Methods.
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Peer Review for researchers in academic publishing. Co-editors of itinerant space. Workshop. A conversation exploring the pedagogical value of peer review processes. Led by the journal’s editors and SoC researchers, the itinerant space peer review process will be shared with PGRs and those interested to contribute as members of the journal's peer review panel. At this workshop itinerant space is launching its first “Open Call” for the next issue. We invite you to join us in conversation. Open to all.
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*Workshops/talks require tickets and have Eventbrite link listed. Performances are free and do not require a ticket.