Krity is an architect, designer and researcher. In her research, she focuses on alternative mobility futures through the lens of gender.
Krity completed her BArch and master’s in Industrial design from India. She taught as Assistant Professor (tenured position) at the M.Des programme of School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi. She then completed her PhD in Social Design from the School of Design at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Krity has more than a decade long experience in academia which includes teaching at SD PolyU and as a team member of the collaborative studio with TU Delft for few consecutive years. Krity has also worked in collaboration with several NGOs focusing on women empowerment.
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Research Interests
Krity’s research interests lie in the domain of gender studies, mobilities, issues related to social inequality and autonomy. She is also interested in studying the relationships and opportunities that emerge from the complex conditions of informality as a design paradigm.
In her doctoral research, Krity explores the consequences of the relationship between social and spatial mobility of urban marginalised women for equitable and just mobilities. She is interested in
exploring qualitative design research methods involving new technologies.
Her work investigates into the small, slow and mundane everyday movements to untangle the complex relationships between different factors leading towards agency.
Publications, exhibitions, other outcomes
Book Chapters
Gera, K. (2022). Gendered Mobilities: A Critical Approach Towards Understanding Social Exclusion Through the Lens of Mobility. In: Bruyns, G., Wei, H., ed., [ ] With Design: Reinventing Design Modes. Springer Nature Singapore, Hong Kong, pp. 3509–3519.
Navarrete, A., Gera, K., Hasdell, P. (2022). Gender and Agency: ‘Care’ as a Facilitator for Social Change. In: Bruyns, G., Wei, H., ed., [ ] With Design: Reinventing Design Modes. Springer Nature Singapore, Singapore, pp. 3619–3619.
Gera, K., Hasdell, P. (2021). Digital Ethnography for Social Design: Challenges and Opportunities in the Pandemic. In: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 210–217.
Gera, K., Hasdell, P. (2020). Gamified Sharing Economy: The Role of Game Elements in Sharing Economy. In: Fukuda, S., ed., Advances in Affective and Pleasurable Design. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 232–242.
Conference Papers
Gera, K. and Hasdell, P. (2020). The context and experience of mobility among urban marginalized women in New Delhi, India. Synergy - DRS International Conference. Held online.
Conference presentation
Gera, K. (2020). Gender, daily mobility and social exclusion: Informal transport as an asset towards social change. Design Research Society (Synergy). Held online.
(2022) Gender and Agency: ‘Care’ as a Facilitator for Alternative Futures. Design Research Society, Bilbao.
(2022) Gender and Agency: ‘Care’ as a Facilitator for Social Change. International Association of Societies of Design Research.
(2021) Understanding Peri-Urban Areas of the Global South. TU Delft - PolyU MSc. Held online.
(2020) Gendered Mobilities. TU Delft - PolyU MSc. Held online.
(2015) Flavours of Banaras. Buro-Dap international workshop on smart cities.
(2015) Re-thinking Basic Design Pedagogy. National seminar organised by India Design Council and National Institute of Design.
(2015) Social Design and Sustainability. Social Innovation Festival. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
External collaborations and activities
Design consultancy
- (2016) Professional Advisor (Associate) – for International Design Competition of National War Memorial, Ministry of Defence, Government of India.
- (2016) Professional Advisor (Associate) – for National Level Design Competition, Election Commission of India.
Chaired paper session
- (2017) Design and Innovation Conference, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.
Invited guest expert
- (2018) Quality Improvement Programme for Design Teachers, Research Techniques in Art, Architecture and Design, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee.
Conference submission reviews
- Review for seven paper submissions for IASDR 2021.
- Review for workshop and exhibition submissions, NORDES 2015.
Review of Chapter (Invited)
- Play, Think, Design: Play as a means to Acquire and Enhance Design Thinking Skills, of book titled “Design Education for Fostering Creativity and Innovation in China” by Kin Wai Michael Siu (Author, Editor), Giovanni J. Contreras (Editor) (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University).
- Member of the organizing committee for International Forum of Urbansim Spring School 2019, held at School of Design, The HK PolyU, Hong Kong.
- Invited jury member – India’s Best Design Award 2018, organized by DesignIndia Magazine.