Session 5. Tech Inclusion: Hearing the 1 billion
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9.45–11.15am, Friday 23 September 2022
Why have the voices of one billion people living with disabilities gone unheard, and how do we right this wrong? The need to know that every one of us matters, is at the fore, and technology development which can be a bridge, barrier or anything in between, should be a point of focus for us all. This challenge is a complex one and this session boldly delves head-on into some of the painful and crucial questions in hearing the one billion. It is time to reverse the microscope and take up the cry of “nothing for us without us”.
Keynotes: 9.45 – 10.25
- Chair: Christopher Patnoe
- Speakers: Leslie Leland, Sarah Pink, DotPlot, Vera.AI
Lightning talks: 10:25– 10.40
- Chair: Mark Walker
- Speakers: Sam Waller, Neil Milliken
Case studies: 10.40 – 11.15
- Chair: Mark Walker
- Case studies: Irene Mbari-Kirika, Michal Rimon & Yuval Wagner, Wilfred Kainz
![Leslie Leland, Sarah Pink](