Key details
- 6pm – 9:30pm
- External (UK)
Core Arts Gallery, 109 Homerton High Street, London, E9 6DL
- Free
Who could attend
- Everyone
- Exhibition
Fifteen RCA students from all pathways and fifteen Core Arts student members will come together to exhibit in a group show to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week on 15 May 2023.
The aim of the exhibition is to explore the various ways in which individuals and communities can collaborate and support each other through creative practice.
The artwork on display will challenge conventional perspectives and offer insight into the complexities of mental health in different learning environments – particularly personal interpretations of humour as a coping mechanism to build resilience against stress and improve physical and emotional health. This will include works that use positive representation, playfulness and satire to bring light to difficult topics or works that test the cultural stigma surrounding mental health.
This will include drawings, paintings, photography, digital art, textiles, print and mixed media. Live art performances will be performed at the opening from 6–9.30pm on Monday 15 May.
Artists: Jo Aidoo, Naomi Alfred Ross, Yique Art (Performance), Nazneen Ayyub-Wood, Susanne Baumann, Adélie Bisse-Leroux, Kimberley Burrows, Terry Butler, Paula Cordoba, Ben Gooch, Eleanor Gregory, Liam Hall, Amie Howarth, Duoduo Huang, Lucy Jiachun Hu, Travie Johnson, Aidas Jurjonas, Yula Kim, Tam Kritman, Spring Li, Max Martyns, Robert Morris, Benjy Nug, Yanna Marie Orcel, Ade Osinfuwa, Justin Piccirilli, Bernie Plastiras, Sadién, Adri Sao Bento (Performance), Mandi Stewart, Cat Utting.